Siren Sound

by Srinath Srinivasan

Music & Audio


A Siren is a loud noise making device. The main purpose of a siren is to alert people to gather, give way or evacuate in case of danger. There are many types of sirens. Law enforcement, Paramedics use sirens to alert the moving traffic of an emergency so as to move freely and reach the destination as quick as possible. Residential and Commercial buildings are equipped with Fire alarms which produce a shrill alarming sound so as to alert occupants to get out of the building as quick as possible despite the severity of the fire. Sirens are also used in industries to alert workers either to evacuate or to assemble and nowadays sirens are used in homes to protect against intrusion. One thing common in all the scenarios is "Sound". Every siren produces a particular sound so as to convey a message which would be to evacuate, assemble, alert or give way.Play and listen to various siren sounds! Enjoy the app!